Then, of course, there was police week - the other reason we went down to DC. Walking through the memorial and attending the candlelight ceremony, I can't help but have a sense of extreme gratitude for Greg and Tom and the work they do on a daily basis. All through the year, I don't like to think of them as putting themselves in harms way, but that is what they do every time they make a car stop or respond to a call. Of course I cried as I walked past the wall. Seeing all the flowers and pictures and cards and watching people make rubbings of the names brought the stone wall to life - I saw a person with each name etching and I became overwhelmed with not only the number of names already there but also the amount of space left. I felt for all of the survivors there and pray everyday that I will never be in their position. But past the grief and the sadness that was prevalent during the ceremony, their was an immense sense of honor and pride that radiated off each and every officer there. So, thank you Greg and Tom (and all other police officers out there) for the work you do everyday. I have great hope and pride in knowing that you are the role models of my sons.