Well, we are back from our trip to Maryland and we had an awesome time. It was wonderful to spend so much time with everyone in my family over the course of the week. The boys were able to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house with the help of Aunt Megan and Auntie Mare. It is very important to me that the boys feel comfortable there and everything seemed to go off without a hitch. Having the fenced in backyard certainly goes a long way in Tommy's book - he was more than happy to wave Tom and I off as we left. We also spent a lot of time with Aunt Jocelyn and Zara (Zara really seemed to like Tommy) which was awesome. Joce taught me how to navigate the metro at rush hour with a stroller - YIKES!! something I never hope to have to do! Then, of course, we stayed at Uncle Greg's so it was great to see so much of him and Guinness. Although, Jack couldn't stay out of Guinness' water bowl and Tommy wanted to bring Greg's ottoman home with us!

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